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Insurance for Student Studying Abroad

  Since March 1, 2021, foreign Language Trainees also has the same automatic subscription and benefits of National health insurance as Koreans.
  ★ But, it is after 6 months (2 terms) from the entry date you will be registered for the national health insurance automatically.
  Therefore, the institute provides ‘International Student Insurance’ for 2 terms while health insurance registration is limited, to promote the health rights of the Language Trainees.

In the standard of 2021 April.

International Student Insurance National Health Insurance
All Language Trainees who entered Korean course of our institute All foreigners who passed 6 months from the entry date.
Until 6 months from the very first term class opening date. After 6 months of entry, until the day you return to your country.
Way to
Without any application procedure, automatic subscription
Insurance Fee Free
(Total amount support by our institute)
About 39,540 won per month
(30% of the average fee)
Insurance Usage
Pay all of the medical expenses first
→ Claim for insurance to the company
Automatically applied using the hospital, pharmacy
(Only pay your deductible)
Inquiries KB Insurance
National health insurance


♦ International Student Insurance

  1. Subscription Target: All Language Trainees who entered our institute Korean course
  2. Subscription Period: 6 months from the very first term class opening date, renewed by one term (Maximum 2 terms)
    Ex) Mar 8 (1st term class opening) ~ June 7 // June 10 (2nd term class opening) ~ Sep 9
  3. Subscription Procedure: Without any application procedure, automatic subscription
  4. Insurance Fee: Free (Total amount support)
  5. Insurance Usage Procedure: pay all of the medical expenses first (Payment first) → Claim for insurance to the insurance company (Later claim)




♦ National Health Insurance

  1. Subscription Target: All foreigners who passed 6 months from their entry date.
    ※ Target of subscription exclusion: French nationality, Japanese who registered for Japanese health insurance.
  2. Subscription Period: The date 6 months from the entry date ~ The day you return to your country
    Ex)   Entry Date         Subscription Period
            Mar 1, 2021,  →  Sep 1, 2021, ~ The day you return
  3. How to Subscribe: Without any application procedure, automatic subscription
  4. Notification Of Insurance Fee and Payment
    a. About 10th in each month, next month insurance payment bill will be sent by alien address.
    b. You should pay the insurance fee until each month 25th at the bank window.
       ※ the way you receive the bill and the way you pay the insurance is changeable.
    c. Insurance Fee for the Language Trainee
       - March 2021 ~ February 2022: 39,540 won / per month (30% of the average fee)
       - March 2022 ~: About 66,000 won/ per month (50% of the average fee)
       ※ The fee is subject to change.
    d. Caution: If your address changes by moving, etc., you must report your change of address.
       (Due to not reporting, if the insurance payment bill arrives at your previous address, and you don’t pay the fee, the disadvantage will happen such as the prohibition of departure from Korea)
  5. Insurance Usage Procedure: Insurance automatically applied when using a hospital, pharmacy → Only pay your deductible
  6. Inquiries and consultation: 1577-1000 (press 7) or 033-811-2000 (English)